Air Scrubber by Aerus: NASA Space Technology for Healthiest Indoor Air Quality
Featuring the Air Scrubber
With ActivePure Technology, you can go beyond traditional air purification systems by not only eliminating stale odors and reducing dust, but actually eliminating harmful contaminants in the air and on the surfaces of your home.
Air Scrubber by Aerus UV Light and Space technology.
The Air Scrubber by Aerus introduces ActivePure Technology that combines high intensity UVC lighting with a state-of-the-art process that destroys over 99% of airborne and surface contaminants. The Air Scrubber attaches directly to the HVAC system ductwork to remove air pollution, VOCs, surface contaminants, pet dander, odors and dust, resulting in a cleaner, healthier and more efficient home.

Key Features:
Cleans - Air Scrubber by Aerus with ActivePure technology, makes cleaning surfaces, mopping up offending odors, and reducing harmful airborne contaminants as simple as turning on your furnace, fan, or air conditioning system. *Reduces microbial populations on surfaces.
Spraying deodorizers can be more harmful and they only mask the scents.
Freshens - Why spray and scrub surfaces or disguise strong odors with toxic chemicals? Air Scrubber Plus not only purifies the air in your home, it reduces strong odors by naturally mopping up the particles that keep those odors lingering.
EPA has ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental dangers, and indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than the worst outside air, making air filtration critical. TheAir Scrubber by Aerus is 50 times more powerful than normal HVAC filtration, and reduces up to 99.9% of the harmful contaminants in your home.
Purifies - Unlike air filters that are passive - Air Scrubber Plus actively treats the air by continually sending out ActivePure scrubbers throughout your home to greatly reduce chemicals, dangerous contaminants, mold, odors, and pollutants in the air.
*Published scientific studies conducted on behalf of activTek by Dr. James Marsden at Kansas State University demonstrated that activTek’s ActivePure® Technology substantially reduces microbial populations on surfaces. The study’s results are being provided solely for informational purposes. The study’s results have not been reviewed by the FDA, EPA or any other governmental agency. Our products are not medical devices and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. We make no claims and no claims should be inferred as to the efficacy of our products to sanitize, disinfect or kill germs or other antimicrobials.
Americans are aware of the dangers of heart disease and stroke and the all the messages encouraging us to eat right and exercise to reduce the risk of these deadly events. Research is now showing that air pollution is another cause of heart disease and stroke – and it is not something people can control as easily as their diet. But as the average person spends 90% of their time indoors, eliminating air pollution is a reachable goal.
Space-Age Technology Recognized by the Space Foundation Hall of Fame
While air filters and purifiers go a long way toward reducing indoor air pollution, nothing goes farther than the Air Scrubber by Aerus®. New to the market, the ActivePure™ technology of the Air Scrubber by Aerus® was just inducted into the 2017 Space Technology Hall of Fame by the Space Foundation. Previous inductees into the Hall of Fame include LASIK, implantable pacemakers, and hearing aids.
For most people, our home is our haven – the place where life is at its most comfortable and safe. But, the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) revealed research that showed that 67% of US families lived in a home with at least one major health risk.
So, what constitutes a health risk? The NCHH came up with what they call the Seven Principles of Healthy Homes, which includes keeping homes:
The NCHH acknowledged that unhealthy housing conditions can take a significant toll on the health and safety of occupants, so they outlined some expert advice that could help families apply the Seven Principles of Healthy Homes in their own homes.
A more arid climate within a home means fewer issues with things like dust mites, roaches, mold and rodents – all things that thrive in damp environments and can create havoc for asthma + allergy sufferers.
Tips for creating a drier home:
Place dehumidifiers in basements and other damp spaces to remove excess moisture
Homes that are clean mean homes with less dirt, dust + chemical residue.
Tips for creating a cleaner home:
Place mats at every door that leads outside to capture dirt from shoes and pets
Clean with non-toxic or chemical-free supplies
Invest in a whole-home air purification system
A fresh, clean air supply is important! Improving your indoor air quality can improve your overall respiratory health.
Tips for creating a better ventilated home:
Install exhaust fans vented to the exterior in bathrooms and over the range in the kitchen
Exhaust fans vented to the outside will help reduce moisture and contaminants in bathrooms and kitchen
Chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can contaminate your indoor air, making a home untenable for people with breathing sensitivities or difficulties.
Tips for creating a better ventilated home:
Avoid smoking inside
Install a carbon monoxide monitor
Make sure chimneys, flues and furnaces are clean prior to using your fireplace/heating systems.
Installing units with ActivePure Technology can help eliminate contaminants in the air and on the surfaces of your home
Exposures to pests in the home, like mice and cockroaches, have been linked to asthma episodes in children.
Poorly maintained homes are vulnerable to moisture and pest problems.
Tips for creating a well-maintained home:
Semi-annual Preventative maintenance on your HVAC systems (a check in cooling and a check in the heating season)
For maximum filtration, replace furnace filters every four months or sooner.
Source: The National Center for Healthy Housing