FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Q. WILL a fresh aire uv light PROTECT me against covid-19 (Coronavirus) ?
A. This is a question we are being asked frequently right now due to the pandemic, out of fear and other HVAC companies recklessly suggesting this will protect you. The truth is there are MANY layers of defense against COVID-19, and the first most important step only cost .88 cents…… Hand soap! Washing your hands is the top if not the second best thing to do next to staying out of the public. In regards to UV Lights yes they help kill viruses however they have NEVER been tested on COVID-19. Fresh-Aire UV systems are installed in the HVAC unit and/or ductwork and are designed to disinfect surfaces and the air as it circulates through the ventilation system. Fresh-Aire UV systems are installed within the HVAC system and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a stern warning against people using UV light to sterilize their hands or any other part of their skin.
Q. HOW often should I change my filters?
A. We suggest checking filters monthly. If you have a disposable type filter, (these usually have a cardboard edge), and if it is dirty, just replace it. Don't attempt to clean it. Some higher efficiency 1" pleated air filters can go up to three months before needing replacement. But in the higher-use seasons, it's better to check more often.
Q. How often should i change the batteries in my thermostat?
A. You should change the batteries in your thermostat every 6 months.
Q. WHY is r-22 refrigeration bad for the ENVIRONMENT and no longer used?
A. The Clean Air Act that applies to the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) industry encourages the development of ozone-friendly substitutes for chemicals that contain ozone destroying chlorine, which are called hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). The chemical refrigerant of choice for more than four decades, referred to as R-22, is in the HCFC category, therefore they are phasing it out. It is now against the law to mix R-22 with another refrigerant. R-22 is widely used in heat pumps and AC condensing units to heat and cool homes. Today, a refrigerant called R-410A is used because of its ozone-friendly properties.
A. There are several factors that can cause system freezing. Most need to be corrected by a qualified technician.
Dirty filter
One thing you can do to prevent or correct this problem is to make sure the filter is clean or replaced. You can check to see if airflow is restricted.
Low refrigerant
In some cases, freezing is caused by a leak in the refrigerant lines. Weak solder joints, friction from piping rubbing or vibrating against an object, open valves or loose fittings are all factors that can cause leaks. When determining whether to have the system repaired or replaced, the age of the system and the nature and location of the leak are important considerations.
Dirty evaporator coil
Over time, the evaporator coil will become dirty. When this happens, you will begin to lose airflow, slowly enough that you probably would not realize it until it freezes up or cooling performance is compromised.
Q. How often should I have maintenance done on my air conditioner, heat pump and or furnace??
A. You should have maintenance done on your HVAC system(s) twice a year – spring to early summer, and fall to early winter being the best times. This not only ensures maximum efficiency, it enables us to foresee any possible problems that may occur before peak season and correct them to avoid down time.
q. what is the proper indoor humidity level for my home?
A. Well, the optimum indoor range is around 35% relative humidity, but 30% to 40% tends to work best for many homes. If you go above this level, condensation on the windows can occur, breeding mold that leads to allergy and respiratory problems.
Dust mites, the leading cause of allergies, thrive in as little as 50% relative humidity. Allergens like molds thrive in relative humidity conditions above 60%, leading to a variety of aliments including asthma, allergies and respiratory infections.
So yes, too much humidity is a bad thing!
Too little humidity on the other hand, can lead to dry nose and throat, dry skin, and static electricity, which can also ruin electronic devices such as computers, VCR's, and DVD players.
Maintaining proper and consistent humidity is also important for the wood inside your home; flooring, doors, and even pianos can shrink, crack, and warp if not properly humidified.
Energy savings is another benefit of keeping the proper humidity level. You will actually feel warmer and more comfortable in humidified air, so you can turn your thermostat down about 2 degrees (saving money), and still feel just as warm. Seriously, it works!