Ceiling Damage
Ceiling Damage from full drain pan with no float switch which is caused by a clogged drain-line. On all our new installs where equipment is located in the attic we ALWAYS put in a float switch so that customers don’t have this headache.

Rheem Furnace for a Dual Fuel 15 seer system
Rheem Furnace for a Dual Fuel 15 seer system

Rheem 15 Seer Dual Fuel System - High Efficiency
Rheem Dual Fuel, Heat Pump and 95% Furnace best of both world.

Trane Voyager Light Commercial
New Installation of a Roof-top 12.5 ton Trane Voyager Gas Package unit.

Roof-Top Install | Light Commercial Replacement
Curb Adapter in place, new system in place now it's time to reconnect and install this big boy.

Here for your HVAC needs
Affordable Air Experts, here with a smile to always help cool the heat or heat the cool when you need us!

Dillon - New Install
Trane Heat Pump Package Unit - happy cooling customer

Heart Patient Priority
A customer waited for a new coil and the day it arrived so did the rain. Normally I would have postponed the repair for safety reasons. However, this customer was a heart patient awaiting his surgery, rain would not stop this repair.
Kind words and acts can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa

Neuman Install - XR16
XR16 Trane Heat Pump

Communicating System
Communication is key to everything even HVAC equipment. When your system cannot talk to it’s components nothing works.

Bad Board
After a fierce thunderstorm this board was fried and customer was without AC. Zoomed in on the board so you can see the burn marks. Repair vs replacement.
Neuman - New Install
Trane TAM series Air Handler
Graham - New Install
Trane XR14 Heat Pump

Graham - New plenums
On new install replaced plenums and made sure collars, and duct work were air tight and nicely sealed. No cutting corners allowed here.

When mother-nature is not cooperating
Just another challenge solved, magnetic umbrella to cover the unit from the rain to make a repair that needed to be completed for health reasons!

Graham - Air Handler
New install - TEM series Air Handler

Customer called and said the outdoor unit has stopped working, we went out to see what the issue was and …. it seems a chipmunk and a rat/squirrel were relocating and got the “shock” of their lives. We now do critter removal … yikes!

O'Brien New Install
Trane XL16i Heat Pump

Dirty Blower Wheel
On a preventative maintenance check we inspect many components of your HVAC system, this being one of them. As you can see after time the wheel (aka squirrel cage) builds up dust and dirt. When it gets very bad it slows down the efficiency of your system and makes it work 2-3 times as hard. Also, as an added bonus the air entering your home passes through this and you and your family breathe this.

What is in your drain-line?
On a preventative maintenance we clear the drain lines with a slug (fitting name) sucker, drain solve and or nitrogen. The reason we do this is to get this build up out so that you do not have a wet spot on your ceiling from a clogged drain line, or a clogged drain line has shut your AC off and it’s the hottest day in summer.

Crack in the collector box
On a no heat call found a crack in the furnace collector box, the water damage cracked the secondary heat exchanger.

Preventative Maintenance - PM
Getting in the outdoor condensing unit to clean out all the leaves and muck from fall and winter that has sat and collected.

Big Guys Need Attention Too
Rooftop package unit, getting a tune up

AC Issue
Bad contactor, needs to be replaced and this customer will be back to living the cool life in summer. We heat the cool, and cool the heat!

Filters should NOT be fuzzy
Filters should be changed more frequently than this picture, when your filter looks like your dog / cat it is VERY PAST DUE.

Affordable Air
We heat the cool and cool the heat!

When you don't want to pay for a professional
Customer had another company that showed up in a sedan to do the repair and this is what their craftsmanship looked like. Don’t let just anyone work on your comfort.